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Symfony Support

Symfony is an open-source PHP web application framework known for its modular and component-based architecture. It promotes code organization and reusability and offers a set of customizable components for tasks like routing, templating, and database abstraction.

With a strong community and comprehensive documentation Symfony is our preferred choice when building robust and scalable web applications, API backends, CLI admin tools.

Since our foundation we have worked on dozens of Symfony projects with all versions of the framework. Most of them we are still supporting and maintaining after several years and multiple version upgrades.

Our Symfony services

Symfony support

Fix existing issues

Symfony maintenance

Cleanup and improve existing code

Symfony consulting

Suggest best practices and define evolution roadmap

Symfony upgrades

Upgrade existing application from version 2 to the latest

Symfony migration

Upgrade from version 1 or move from legacy PHP applications

Symfony optimization

Improve performance and reduce bugs frequency

Our Plans


€ 100



Tailored Plan

suited to your needs


€ 600
